Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Perpetual Adolescence

There has been for some time now an alarming trend with the males in our culture-it is called Perpetual Adolescence. As the father of two "teen-aged" boys (I despise that term, it's nothing more than an invention of Madison Avenue), I am particularly disturbed about this problem, and need to be constantly reminded that they are prime candidates for this attack on young men. Our culture seems to feed the monster, so much so that we now have "boys" who are in their late 20s/early 30s who fail to grow up into mature men. Don't believe me? Just turn on the television or visit the big screen, and you will see what I mean; it's as ubiquitous as the buffoon husband/dad that Hollywood likes to portray. We in Christ's church should be very concerned about this, as it is just as prevalent within as it is without. Could this be linked to the great numbers of our youth who are leaving the church once they are out of high school? How do we combat this? I suggest we begin by discipling them as we are commanded to by our King. There's at least one church who seems to be taking steps to do just this, and after listening to this study, I've been convicted of my own failings as a father in the discipleship of my own sons. For anyone interested in reading further on the subject, there's some very good material available to help in this process and with implementing family worship to help further nurture our children.
Future Men- Douglas Wilson
Standing on the Promises- Douglas Wilson
Thoughts for Young Men- J.C. Ryle
The Case for Family Worship- George Hamond
A Good Start- Charles Spurgeon
Family Practice- R.C. Sproul Jr.
The Family- B.M. Palmer and J.W. Alexander
The Family Worship Book: A Resource Book for Family Devotions- Terry Johnson
Wise Words: Family Stories That Bring the Proverbs to Life- Peter Leithart

There's a plethora of other titles, but these are all ones that I have read and have found helpful. Any other suggested titles would be appreciated...

Of course, if it's controversial and applies to the church, then you know Al Mohler will take it head on during his radio show. Dr. Mohler speaks on this very subject on his radio program and blog:

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